About Steve
Hi, my name is Steve Huang, a Robbins-Madanes Trained Life Coach.
My journey into the field of life coaching began after attending several of Tony Robbins’ transformational events in 2020. I knew about Tony Robbins many years ago, but just thought of him as a motivational speaker.
However my perception of his work changed drastically through those events. Witnessing the depth and power of his practice, I was immediately drawn to the idea of using his approach to help others achieve similar life-changing results.
Inspired and motivated, I enrolled in the official coach training school of Tony Robbins – ROBBINS-MADANES TRAINING. Throughout the program, I gained valuable insights and acquired tools and techniques to assist individuals in unlocking their full potential.

As part of the training, I also participated in six months of weekly coaching practice sessions with fellow students from all over the world. Practicing coaching others helped me to sharpen my skills and deepen my understanding of the coaching process. Receiving coaching session from my peers was transformative; I became more attentive to areas of my life that I had previously neglected, and learned to proactively address challenges while maintaining a sense of inner peace.
During the third week of the training program, after a coaching practice session with my fellow student partner, she asked me if I was already coaching others before joining this program. I was taken aback by her question since I told her in the beginning that I only signed up for this program three weeks ago. She clarified that many fellow students were already working as life coaches, based on the way I coached her, she thought I was already an experienced life coach.
Hearing her feedback was incredibly gratifying, but not entirely surprising. I knew that the journey I embarked on six years earlier had prepared me well for life coaching.

For the first five years of my career, I worked as a civil engineer building bridges. I then transitioned to supply chain management, where I spent more than a decade. Along the final five years of my corporate job, I also taught Excel classes two evenings per week as a side business. My life was consumed by a constant cycle of “doing” with little time for reflection, introspection, and “being”.
In 2014, I took a leap of faith and quit my job to focus on my Super Excel training business full-time. This decision granted me more freedom and time for personal growth. It was during this period that I began to pursue a deeper understanding of life.
- What is life about?
- What is the meaning of life?
- What is the meaning of death? (In 2016, I already had a renewed understanding and feeling toward death)
- What is the essence of life, and our universe?
- How does a person take on a life path?
- Why does the life path end up on this one instead of that one?
- How does emotion drive our action?
- How does the subconscious belief drive our life?
- How to identify one’s deep buried subconscious beliefs?
- How to change the subconscious belief and thus change our lives?
Since then, I have read/listened 300+ (audio) books in this subject area, and still kept going at it. And for the 14 years before that, I read no more than 10 books. What a contrast! Since then, I attended multiple workshops every year and took on various study programs. I also practiced what I learned and helped people to improve their lives in physical, mental, and emotional aspects.
In 2018, during a 90-minute pre-chat with my client, she had an epiphany moment and connected the dots between the patterns of her adult life and her upbringing, which paved the way for appropriate actions and positive changes. This was done without me drawing any conclusion for her, instead, I was purely asking clarifying questions and providing observations. Somehow I was already using certain life coaching skills two years before I signed up for any life coach training.
I found life coaching to be a natural progression of my learning journey, and a valuable tool to help people transform their lives from dullness and misery to joy and fulfillment.

During my life coach training program, I had the privilege of being coached 1-on-1 by Cloe Madanes in two sessions, which were amazing. One day, my teenage son asked me a thought-provoking question, “If you had the chance to ask a question directly to a world-class coach, like Tony Robbins, or a master with the most wisdom, what would you ask?”
I really thought about it, but could not think of any question to ask. So I said: “I have no question to ask.”
This is because, for any question that I can think of, I feel like I have the answer within me, or I can find ways to get the answer. Hence, I could not come up with any question to ask.
I was surprised by my response because it meant that I was able to solve any problem or answer any question that arose in my life. I had the ability to find solutions within myself or transform a “problem” into a “non-problem”, as I had already done in many instances.
If that’s the case, then I could solve any problem I encountered, and my life would be perfect.
Apparently, my life is not perfect. Why do I think that I can find an answer or solution to any question or problem, while my life has problems not being solved?
It just hit me.
It’s because I did not ask myself the right questions.
The most important thing in our life, is not getting answers, for the questions we asked.
Instead, it is to know the correct questions I need to ask, but not asked yet, or asked in wrong ways.
And that’s exactly what I have been learning within the life coach training, using the right framework to ask deep and empowering questions, and transform my clients’ lives.
As a Robbins-Madanes trained life coach, I am confident that I can offer my clients a unique and valuable perspective, helping them to identify and overcome obstacles, achieve their goals, and lead fulfilling lives. I am excited to embark on this journey and to utilize the power of coaching to make a positive impact on the lives of others.
The meaning of life lies in the relationship. The most important two are relationship with spouse and relationship between parents and child. They define the quality of our lives. I find meaning and joy in my life as a life coach to help others improving their relationships.